‘Zanu PF, FAZ abused school facilities during elections’
Latest data from the Artuz School Violation report showed that at least 230 cases of abuse of school facilities were recorded in the run up to the polls.
By Brent Shamu
Dec. 28, 2023
Torture during Zim’s 2023 elections
The Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum produced a preliminary report on the pre-election organised volence and torture (OVT) countering this narrative.
By Own Correspondent
Dec. 17, 2023
The manufacture of consent during 2023 elections in Zimbabwe
Certain media outlets displayed blatant favouritism towards specific candidates or parties, while others engaged in character assassination and sensationalism.
By Lenox Lizwi Mhlanga
Nov. 5, 2023
Editorial Comment: Don’t bury heads in the sand
The findings by Sadc and indeed all observer missions are nothing new as similar issues were raised during the 2018 elections.
By The Standard
Oct. 15, 2023
Letters: A review of the August 23 elections
While the ruling Zanu PF party may argue that the elections were free and fair due to lack of widespread violence, we must not allow ourselves to be deceived by this façade.
By Amh Voices
Sep. 25, 2023
Do people know the meaning of their vote?
It is even more depressing that democracy has conditioned the populace to place their hopes in elections and elected officials.
By Tapiwa Gomo
Sep. 4, 2023
Letter from America: Elections leave Zimbabweans only cruel choices!
Angered by his rejection by his constituency, Thomas Chidzombe at first locked the borehole he had provided for his community.
By Kenneth Mufuka
Sep. 3, 2023
Letter to my People: Polad circus is back in town
It is not surprising that the disgraceful conduct of the country’s elections that even raised concerns of the United Nations especially over the issues of voter intimidation.
By Doctor Stop It
Sep. 3, 2023
CCC math is not adding up
Because there must be fresh elections, there is no need to go to the courts to challenge the results, never mind the fact that we have all the V11s and V23s.
By Tawanda Majoni
Sep. 3, 2023

Nyambirai in dramatic Steward Bank takeover
Local News
By Shame Makoshori and Freeman Makopa
Feb. 14, 2025
Natfoods plots to inject US$16 million into strategic projects
Business Digest
Feb. 14, 2025