Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
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You have failed to exorcise violence phantom
As I see it, there is no other citizenry in the region, not even the Swati, which has ever been so systematically down-trodden and cast to the crocodiles as Zimbabweans.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Aug. 16, 2023
Credible elections beyond reach
Oftentimes throughout the progression of humanity, the harbinger duty was assigned to public debaters.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Aug. 23, 2023
Nowhere to play “stolen village drum"
As I see it, your ally, the Equatorial Guinea President Teodoro Obiang Nguema was not at all speaking in jest when he told you that you cannot be in power and lose an election.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Aug. 30, 2023
Dialogue, best way forward
It is likely that most born-frees will never experience the ease and delight of accomplishment and contentment.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Sep. 6, 2023
Where do we go from here
Duly, your statement that you were aware that some observer missions went beyond their call of duty was devoid of sincerity.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Sep. 13, 2023
A nation at crossroads
As I see it, the moral imperative that is conspicuous by its absence is that of accountability and credibility. Yet, this era of uncertainty warrants conscientious leadership.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Sep. 20, 2023
Introduce a diaspora ministry
Your Excellency, in view of the tainted legitimacy of your Presidency, methinks it would be a positive turning point towards statesmanship if you were to embrace the diasporas.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Sep. 27, 2023
Men are not angels, Mr President
With all due respect, it is honourable for you to resign. Farewell, Comrade ED.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Oct. 4, 2023
Dogged polls will haunt you, Mr President
There is credible evidence that they were a sham, held under a characteristically undemocratic environment.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Oct. 11, 2023
The failure of democracy.
Clarity was bound to dawn that you do not subscribe to democracy.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Oct. 18, 2023
There is no hope in Sadc
Surely, the conscience of Sadc took a permanent leave of absence.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Oct. 25, 2023
Sadc anti-sanctions crusade a lost cause
He lamented the two decades since the imposition of the targeted sanctions which he said were characterised by the inability of the people of Zimbabwe to fully achieve their potential as a nation.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Nov. 1, 2023
Prosperity is contingent on credible elections
Your Excellency, your closing remarks at the recent Zanu PF conference that your party was committed to accelerating development were idle chatter.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Nov. 15, 2023
Freedom belongs to the individual who possesses courage
There is neither rhyme nor reason for the murder of CCC activist, Tapfumaneyi Masaya.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Nov. 22, 2023
I would rather cause offence than truth be denied
From where I stand, the setting up of integrity committees which were initiated by the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission in September 2021 deserved your approval and support.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Nov. 29, 2023
‘We belong to each other’
My observation is that citizenry cast an incredulous stare on Zec.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Dec. 6, 2023
Zim has to be compatible with democracy
With all due considerations, his ordeal warrants a contrite apology from you.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Dec. 13, 2023
Zim cries for leadership succession
Methinks the soaring inflation and the virtually collapsed local currency continue to confine citizenry to poverty.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Jan. 3, 2024
America has a clear policy on targeted sanctions
Your Excellency, as I see it, the perennial denial that America has a clear policy on targeted sanctions is to the detriment of your Presidency.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Jan. 10, 2024
Good day Mr President: Your re-election was not won fairly, squarely
As I see it, truth always prevails, regardless of any rigorous attempts at counterfeiting it.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Jan. 24, 2024
Good day Mr President: United we stand, divided we fall
Yet, ancient wisdom implores us that united we stand, divided we fall.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Jan. 31, 2024
There is neither second republic nor new dispensation
Consequently, your quest for Zimbabwe's reclamation of her influential position in world affairs warrants you to introspect.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Feb. 7, 2024
Withdraw Zimdollar from circulation
As a matter of fact, probity warrants that government’s determination to get on top of the price crisis is achievable only by withdrawing the Zimdollar from circulation.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Feb. 14, 2024
Zim is in hands of callous ruling elite
He threw at them some below the belt punches.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Feb. 21, 2024
ZiG is vanity of vanities
Despite the claims of being backed by gold, odds are mounting against ZiG. It is confronted by inflation on one side, and a deficit of confidence and trust on the other.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Apr. 10, 2024
Zim yearns for progressive governance
Your Excellency, contrary to some statements oftentimes made in jest, it is my solemn conviction that Zimbabwe yearns for progressive governance.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
Apr. 24, 2024
ZiG is yet another infernal nuisance
There is a cost to a government in the hands of a ruling elite of low reputation. It cannot evade censure for attaining power illegitimately and for not being respectful of human rights.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
May. 8, 2024
ZiG is a marked down currency
It staggers the mind that ZiG was launched notwithstanding its convertibility challenges and inability to pay for fuel and passports.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
May. 14, 2024
Citizenry are distraught by financial trauma
Your Excellency, like its predecessors, the ZiG is effete. It is much ado about nothing currency. Consequently, citizenry are distraught by financial trauma.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
May. 22, 2024
ZiG is backed by threats and other harassment means
Consequently, the indignant repression on money changers. Their clampdown is disproportionate to the catch and release of corruption and illicit financial flows practitioners.
By Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana
May. 29, 2024

Nyambirai in dramatic Steward Bank takeover
Local News
By Shame Makoshori and Freeman Makopa
14h ago